Sunday, May 30, 2010

Signs of Summer

There are always those tell tale signs of summer. Windows are thrown open to let fresh breezes waft in, the whirring buzz of lawnmowers can be heard at almost every hour, and the sound of children laughing mixes with the excited barks of neighborhood dogs and the melodies of chirping birds.

Last night, we experienced the tell tale sign of summer at our household; the lighting of the fire pit and tikki torches.

Marshmallows were brought out on a tray next to perfectly squared graham crackers and Hershey's chocolate. Long metal sticks protected us as the marshmallows slowly turned to golden brown (and then burned on more then one occasion).

I, unfortunately, am not the best at marshmallow roasting. I completely burned two, sliding them off into the fire in defeat, before completing one worthy of being s'mored.

The two charred marshmallows were soon accompanied by two more and my marshmallow roasting stick was retired.

Despite the lack of more delectable s'mores, I sat back and watched the fire crackle and dance in the summer night sky.

it is now officially summertime.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A New Beginning / Meet me

This is my new venture in life. I've thought long and hard, yearning to "open" my own blog. I've planned and plotted, but always waiting for when I would have more time to get started. And today became the day. Why? Well not because it's summer 9yet) which is when I originally planned to start, but simply because I had a good day.

I feel accomplished today. In 24 hours, I made an awesome t-shirt with a technique new to me (which will probably become my inspiration for my first tutorial) , a new purse for a gift and a wedding dress out of toilet paper at a wedding shower (yeah it was awesome if I do say so myself). And so today became the day. The day that The Sweet Button made it's blog-ly debut.

So I hope you'll come along for this new ride, I promise to try to make it fun!

A little more about me- I love to sew, it's something I really and truly understand. Specifically, I really enjoy costume design as it allows my creativity to flow and my sewing machine buzz. Additionally I love anything with paper, fabric, glue, paint etc etc. I am definitely the person my friends turn to when they need new ideas. My newest obsession has been baking, and I think I've bought more powdered sugar in the past 4 months then in my entire life. I love love love to watch T.V. when I sew or craft. A few of my favorites are; Grey's Anatomy, Project Runway, and almost anything on Food Network or TLC, so come discuss with me (especially when Project Runway season rolls back around). In addition to all the craftiness I also love history, especially learning about people, and their cultures (and clothes!). If I could live during anytime period it would be the 1940's or the late 1800's. I really don't know what else to say, but if you have any burning questions, feel free to ask!

I just opened a twitter : - so come follow me there!

I have one etsy shop at the moment: - It's on the empty side right now because I'm working on a lot of other projects right now.

Thanks for stopping by, more posts to come soon!